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Partnering with others to

increase understanding and acceptance

of the strengths, differences and challenges in "Neurodiverse Love" relationships.

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support groups and much more?

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Neurodiverse Love Newsletter!

What are you looking for?

Whether you are looking for coaching and consulting

or a support group for yourself, or you and your partner,

one of the services we offer might be helpful.

Neurotypical and Non-autistic Partner Support Groups

Support Groups 

Mona facilitates two FREE online support groups every month for the neurotypical/non-autistic partners.


These groups meet on

the1st Monday of the month at 6:30pm EST, and

the 4th Saturday of the month at 11:30am EST.

Each meeting is about 90 minutes and the groups are offered through Zoom. No RSVP is required, so once you have the Zoom links you can attend as often as you want. 


If you are interested in joining one of these groups please send an email to:

and you will receive the Zoom links for the meetings.





Short term Coaching and Consulting

Short Term
Coaching and Consulting

Mona also provides short term coaching and consulting

(up to 4 sessions) for individuals and neurodiverse couples.  The focus of each meeting is to increase understanding of the strengths, differences and challenges in neurodiverse relationships.  In addition, there will be an opportunity to learn tools and strategies that can help you reduce "unintentional" hurt and repeated misunderstandings, and increase connection. 


If you are considering ending your relationship, then each meeting will be focused on ways to move forward with compassion and grace for yourself and your partner, as well as how you can begin healing as you move towards transitioning out of your relationship.


Fees are:

$121 for a 60 minute session

$175 for a 90 minute session

For more information, or to schedule a coaching or consulting session, please email Mona at




Neurodiverse Couples Support Group

Monthly Neurodiverse Couples
Support Group

Every month Mona facilitates a support group for neurodiverse couples, in which at least one partner identifies as Autistic or AuDHD. The support group meetings are held on Zoom on the 3rd Wednesday of every month, from 7:30-9pm EST.


Attending the support group can help increase your knowledge of how different neurotypes can better understand each other's unique strengths, differences and needs.  In addition, each couple will have an opportunity to meet other neurodiverse couples who may have similar experiences and challenges, and provide each other with support and guidance.  Topics addressed are based on the needs of the couples attending and can include: communication differences, emotional needs, processing differences, sensory sensitivities, socializing differences, physical intimacy needs and more..


Each couple  receives a FREE digital download of the Neurodiverse Love Conversation Card Workbook.​The cost to attend is $50 per couple.


If you and your partner are interested in joining the group you can register here.


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